Utkatasana: Chair Pose

In downhill turns, the weight is distributed slightly forward over the arches of the feet at the start of the turn and slowly shifts to the back of the arch as you finish the turn. Utkatasana imitates that movement. The slightly crouched posture, powerful core, and strong legs of Utkatasana are what allow you to make these subtle weight shifts.

From Tadasana (Mountain Pose), with your feet hip-width apart, raise your arms in front of you to the height of your shoulders, parallel to the floor, palms facing inward. Bend your knees and lower your torso as if to sit in a chair. Draw your navel in toward your spine as you lower your sacrum and tailbone down toward the floor, tucking your tailbone under slightly. Reach forward through your fingertips and, at the same time, draw your shoulder blades toward each other and down your back. Continue to lower until your thighs are as nearly parallel to the floor. Lift your torso as you press into your heels. Hold with steady breath for 10-15 breathes, slowly straighten your legs, and come out of the pose allowing 8-10 breathes of recovery. Repeat 3 times ending in Tadasana.


Tones the leg muscles excellently. Strengthens hip flexors, ankles, calves, and back. Stretches chest and shoulders.

Adho Mukha Svasana: Downward-Facing Dog

Come onto all fours, with your shoulders over your wrists, your hips over your knees, and the knees 4 to 6 inches behind the hips. Curl your toes under and, as you exhale, lift your sitting bones toward the ceiling. Keep your knees slightly bent and heels off the floor at first. Give yourself a few moments to shift your body weight, bending into your knees, nodding your head, finding freedom and space in the posture. As you settle in, press the tops of your thighs back and, as you stretch the backs of your legs, press your heels down. Press firmly into the palms of your hands, keeping your upper back wide and your shoulder blades drawing down your back toward your pelvis. As you inhale, press into the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet. As you exhale, keep your core active as it supports you in the pose. Invite extension through the spine and side body as your arms and legs are actively engaged. Remain in the posture for 15-20 breathes.


Strengthens the ankles, core muscles, upper back, shoulders, and arms. Stretches the calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

Ashta Chandrasana: High Crescent Lunge

From standing with feet hip-width apart, step your right foot back behind you for a lunge, bending your left knee and stacking it directly on top of or slightly behind your left ankle. Keep your right heel stacked over the ball of your foot and pointing straight back (not allowing the heel to drop out or in). As you inhale, reach your arms up toward the sky, stacking your shoulders over your hips. Draw your belly in, and soften your shoulders away from your ears. If you find tension in the low back, hinge your arms forward toward a 45 degree angle to relieve pressure.  Take 10 breathes in the pose. Then step your right foot forward to return to standing in Tadasana before switching sides.


Leg strength and stretches the hip flexors. Working to keep your balance in this posture will also help increase core strength.

Paripurna Navasana: Boat 

The benefits: Core strength in both the front and backside of your body, essential for maintaining stability. 


This posture  strengthens the abdomen, psoas and hip flexors.

Malasana: Squat

Begin by squatting with your feet mat width, feet paralle to the edges of the mat or feet working toward a 45 degree angle. Allow your heels to connect with the mat. Exhale and lean forward such that your torso fits between your thighs. Bring your palms to match in prayer and press your elbows against the inner thighs. Doing this will help you extend the front part of your torso. Hold the pose for 10 breathes.


Opens your hips and groin. Stretches your ankles, lower hamstrings, back and neck. Aids in digestion. Keeps your pelvic and hip joints healthy.



Fall nourishment. Drawing the warmth inward.

Colorado is known for its dramatic change of seasons. We shift from summer to fall, welcoming hillsides covered with Aspen leaves in vibrant shades of yellow, orange and red. I know winter is coming. It’s just around the corner. For now, I savor the moments, keep moving through the moody weather and allow time for self care. Warming yoga flows, nourishing foods and an occasional getaway to the hot springs will keep my internal flame glowing.


Warming yoga flows invite heat into the physical body. These classes are often listed as elevate or power classes offering a higher intensity practice. These often include more challenging twists, backbends, binds, and arm balances. Allow yourself to stay present, focused on the breath and intention.


Turmeric. The color alone is enough to lure you in.  Vibrant orange-yellow at first glance, earthy when it hits your palate.  This nourishing goodness is known for aiding inflammation and balancing doshas, who could want more? I didn’t always love turmeric, but the health benefits and savory flavor won me over.  I think it’s an acquired taste. My son says it tastes like dirt, but I’ve always been a sucker for black truffle, raw cacao and other goodies from nature that have “dirt like” umami.  

Golden turmeric latte:


1 cup unsweetened almond, cashew or coconut milk
1 heaping tablespoon  turmeric powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger root (or 1 teaspoon ground)
2 teaspoons coconut oil
Raw honey to taste


Warm the almond, cashew, or coconut milk in a small saucepan. Do not boil. Add turmeric, ginger and cinnamon. Next, combine the coconut oil with the mixture and gently heat together until melted. Use a wire whisk to create a foam. Continue to stir until frothy and heated through.

Pour into your favorite mug and sip it slow, savor the moment. 

*Serves 1


Fall is an amazing time of year to take a trip to the hot springs. From Breckenridge, there are nine hot springs within a 2.5-hour drive. Below are my favorites!


  • Distance: 1.5 hours from Breckenridge


  • Distance: 1.5 hours from Breckenridge


  • Distance: 1.75 hours from Breckenridge

The transition of seasons can be an incredible time to return back to your intention. Allow yourself to stay present, get adequate rest and maintain or enhance your self care rituals.

Om Shanti

Natural Headache Relief: postures and oils to soothe.

Headaches can be a real showstopper. I've been getting anxious when I feel a headache or migraine come on knowing that they will become momentarily debilitating. I've been looking for remedies beyond Advil and Excedrin - something natural and  effective. 

5 Yoga Postures For Natural Headache Relief

Yoga is a great practice to invite more oxygen to the brain to help release the tension. Try poses that increase circulation and release tension in the muscles. Try to maintain an steady, equal parts breath. I like to work in peppermint oil, placing a drop on my tongue and massaging a few drops onto my neck and soles of my feet. 

1. Fish Pose

Fish Pose opens and stretches your chest, neck, and shoulders, relieving any tension you may have stored there. By releasing the crown of your head to the mat, you also allow a slight inversion to bring blood flow to your cranium.

2. Seated Forward Bend

This pose is a gentle stretch to release tension primarily in your back and hips and secondarily in your hamstrings. Breathe deep in this pose and try to visualize any stress or tension melting off of you. Feel free to use a bolster or dense pillow to rest your forehead or cheek. 
3. Supported Child’s Pose

Adding a bolster or pillow to your Child’s Pose takes relaxation to the next level. It invites a gentle stretch in your hips and back, allowing you to breathe deep and de-stress. Feel free to use a bolster or dense pillow to rest your forehead or cheek. 

4. Cat Pose

Cat Pose is our last pose to help release tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper spine to offer you some natural headache relief. The arch in your upper spine in this pose counteracts the hunched forward motion many of us find ourselves in daily.  

5. Legs Up the Wall

This gentle inversion helps you relax by lowering your blood pressure and calming your central nervous system. Feel free to find additional support by placing block under your hips. 

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat: Join me on the Journey.

Maybe you are on the fence about heading out on a yoga retreat. A life changing journey in which you will be surrounded by amazing energy, stunning scenery and the opportunity to unplug. That's right... letting go of the daily grind so you can rest, relax, restore and reconnect. Still debating? Here are a few reasons why I went on my first retreat:


Many yoga retreats take place in stunning, natural locations around the world. Get out of the hustle and bustle than to go on a yoga retreat! Connect with nature on a deeper level, immersing yourself in your surroundings and taking advantage of them in a way you might not otherwise do.


One of the many benefits of going on a yoga retreat is taking a vacation full of positive energy! On retreat, you’ll surround yourself with positive thoughts and feelings. No need to worry about any vacation stress, just embrace the positives vibes coming your way.


The food you eat on retreat is chosen with care for your health and wellbeing. Going on retreat is an opportunity to eat well without having to worry about it yourself, and it’s a wellness habit you can take home with you.


Treat yourself to an experience by going on a yoga retreat. This is a vacation all about YOU, leave the stresses of daily life behind, let it go, you deserve it!


Every retreat is different, even if you return to the same place. The other people and your frame of mind at the time will never be the same again. A yoga retreat will always result in a unique experience, and each retreat will be different as you continue to grow within yourself.

Ride the flow of the yoga classes, move to the rhythm of the waves, allow yourself to connect deeper to yourself and others. 
Book Now! Early Bird Pricing in effect. 


Turmeric: Tasty and Nourishing

Turmeric. The color alone is enough to lure you in.  Vibrant orange-yellow at first glance, earthy when it hits your palate.  This nourishing goodness is know for aiding inflammation and balancing doshas, who could want more?

*Serves 1


1 cup unsweetened almond, cashew or coconut milk
1 heaping tablespoon  turmeric powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger root (or 1 teaspoon ground)
2 teaspoons coconut oil
Raw honey  to taste


Warm the almond, cashew, or coconut milk in a small saucepan. Do not boil. Add turmeric, ginger and cinnamon. Next, combine the coconut oil with the mixture and gently heat together until melted. Use a wire whisk to create a foam. Continue to stir until frothy and heated through.

Pour into your favorite mug and sip it slow, savor the moment. 


Workshop: Flow, Roll and Restore for Athletes

Join me July 27, 2016 for a specialty class at Meta Yoga designed for the folks of the Colorado Rocky Mountains! 

The Summit County Lifestyle can take its toll.
Come flow, roll, and resort your hardworking body! All levels welcome!
All of the hiking, biking and trail running can take a toll on your body. This workshops provides the perfect space to rejuvenate, allowing you to reach your true athletic potential. We will being our practice by warming the body through pranayama breathing and our asana flow. The rolling encourages myofascial release and muscle repair (think Deep Tissue Massage) followed by much needed relaxation and restorative postures.

Bring your friends along for the ride!



Salty air and sand beneath my feet

Salty air and sand beneath my feet. The warm ocean breeze whirling around my body. I take a deep breath to fill my body completely.

I just returned from a few days north of Tulum, Mexico. I went with the intention of reigniting my internal fire - to truly stoke the flame that continuously drives me forward. I am always thankful for these little escapes; they change my perspective.

I left my sweet little mountain town to spread my wings in a new direction. I go to see how other people live, how they eat, thrive, and love.

I pull energy from the ocean - acknowledging just how rapidly things in our lives can change. How quickly opportunities and people come in and out of our lives just like the ever changing tides; how the only true constant in life is change.

I try to absorb every detail while I'm there, truly allowing myself to be present in each situation. Traveling abroad often means there are some hiccups along the way (the place I had a reservation to stay burned down 5 days prior to my arrival) - but those are the events that force you to bring your awareness to that moment. Traveling abroad keeps you on your toes - my Spanish is mediocre at best. I have to take it upon myself to find my way, and when I need to, be willing to ask for help and guidance from others. Traveling allows you to refresh and be out of your element!

Even if you are not able to take a trip or travel abroad - create space to go somewhere you've never been and to truly be present there. 

Surf Sayulita.jpg

Yoga Doesn’t Care!

Yoga Doesn’t Care: A Disclaimer that should be posted in every Studio.
Yoga isn’t about our lifestyle, our beliefs, our weight, our diet, our flexibility, how spiritual or enlightened we are.Yoga is just about showing up and doing our dance on our mats.

Yoga doesn’t care what your hair looks like.
Yoga doesn’t care if you are vegetarian, if you eat meat or know what Kombucha is.
Yoga doesn’t care when the last time you practiced was—yesterday, six months ago, never.
Yoga doesn’t care what kind of mat you have, brand new or eating away at itself.
Yoga doesn’t care if you show up cranky or exhausted.
Yoga doesn’t care what religion you believe in.
Yoga doesn’t care what color your skin is or what gender you choose to love.
Yoga doesn’t care if you wear mala beads.
Yoga doesn’t care what the tag on the back of your pants says.
Yoga doesn’t care if you don’t know what yoga means.
Yoga doesn’t care how much money you have, what house you live in, what car you drive.
Yoga doesn’t care if you are flexible.
Yoga doesn’t care if you fall over in Trikonasana.
Yoga doesn’t care if you fart during practice.
Yoga doesn’t care if you ever make it into head stand.
Yoga doesn’t care if you feel uncomfortable saying Namaste and Om.
Yoga doesn’t care if you drink super food smoothies or drink coconut water.
Yoga doesn’t care if choose the back corner or the front row of the room to practice.
Yoga doesn’t care if you stay to meditate.
Yoga doesn’t care if you can put your leg behind your head, or lick your own ass.
Yoga doesn’t care if you know what Ujjayi breath is.
Yoga doesn’t care if you smoke cigarettes, and drink whisky.
Yoga doesn’t care if you need to leave class halfway through because you’re dehydrated and need to get water.
Yoga doesn’t care if you have a man bun.
Yoga doesn’t care if your monkey mind takes over.
Yoga doesn’t care how old you are, the color of your hair doesn’t affect your practice.
Yoga doesn’t care if you juice or cleanse.
Yoga doesn’t care if you shake the entire 60 minutes.
Yoga doesn’t care if you only feel comfortable doing yoga in Mexico.
Yoga doesn’t care if you spend the entire class in child’s pose.
Yoga doesn’t care what political party you vote for.
Yoga doesn’t care if you are single or divorced.
Yoga doesn’t care if you like Rumi.
Yoga doesn’t care if you like your teacher.
Yoga doesn’t care if you complete a 30 day challenge.
Yoga doesn’t care what version of wheel you go up into.
Yoga doesn’t care if you shop at whole foods.
Yoga doesn’t care if you remember to shave your armpits.
Yoga is just happy you show up.

Author: Janne Robinson - Elephant Journal

Power of the collective

Moments of solitude are necessary to bring the gaze inward. Giving yourself permissions to quite the mind, to reflect, and to allow the body to be still is invaluable.

While physical and emotional nourishment is fundamental for the individual - the power of the collective is equally imperative. Humans were created to live and thrive in a community.  We are intended to build relationships that strengthen and nurture the individual and in turn create a more vibrant and cohesive society.

Kula, family, group, crew, circle… whatever you want to call it: there will always be power in numbers. I’m not referring to power in terms of brute force. I’m referring to the power of the collective; in terms of thoughts, vitality and collaboration. While listening to a fellow yogi, Sarah Hutchinson, speak a few days ago, she mentioned “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” This is something I’ve heard before, but it seemed to resonate with intensity this time. The more life experience we have, we tend to subconsciously make shifts in our lives. These shifts may be in terms of finances, health, and hobbies; or the shift may occur with regards the people we spend our time with. The people you naturally select are the people who you are happy to spend your time with. The people who you truly want to invest your love and energy into. I have a pretty diverse kula, but I began to notice my own pranic flow was running dry. I felt as though, by choice, I was consumed by taking care of others. I wanted to be omnipresent. I wanted to be there when I was needed and with that I began to lose sight of what I truly required to keep my internal flame burning brightly.

In each yoga practice, I remind my students that they set aside this time, this space in their day to nourish themselves. I remind them that it’s okay to let go of their life off the mat for the duration of our practice to truly be present for time together. There will always be challenges on and off the mat; but giving ourselves permission to move through a mindful Asana and inviting stillness through meditation, we can ignite a sense of ease as we navigate through the journey of life.

Autumn chill and detox

The Colorado high country is known for panoramic views and stunning fall colors. In Summit County, we become enveloped with the golden glow of changing Aspens. The crisp fall air brings a new chill to the air and something about bundling up and getting outside is nourishing to the soul.

Being a Colorado native, I thrive on the 300 days of sunshine. The sun gives me the energy to get out early every morning for hikes and trail runs, and if I’m lucky, fly fishing with my favorite ladies. I love the summer months, but this time of year grants me permission to slow down and unwind. We tend to fill our summer days from sun up to sundown, enjoying every ounce of Vitamin D we can absorb. That being said, there are moments when I have to remind myself to slowdown; to bathe in the stillness.

We’ve all heard the term “spring cleaning.” This can be taken from the view of cleaning out old items we’ve acquired over the past few months; purging the old, making space for what is fresh and new. We can also view this from an internal sense. Cleansing the boding of the stale energy and making room for fresh prana. Why don’t we have a “fall cleaning”? Observing nature and the environment we live in, nature is the guru fall cleansing. The Aspens drop their tired old leaves, we experience more rainy days washing away the dust and eventually we are draped in a layer of freshly fallen snow.

During the fall we turn our focus to the lungs and large intestine. Both organs are linked to aliments that become more prevalent in the autumn months. We experience breathing troubles such as asthma and common skin issues like eczema. Especially during the first few weeks of temperature shifting – avoid sugars, flour and dairy. And often most difficult for us to avoid once all of the pumpkin/spice/nog libations arrive: alcohol. We want to avoid anything that will create excess mucus, causing our boding to promote the growth and longevity of illness.  This time of year there are so many vibrantly colored veggies offered at the final days of the farmers market. Beets, Rhubarb, apples, kale, citrus and radish are all making their last appearance. Keep an out for stone fruits such as peaches, nectarines and apricots. Paired with your leafy greens (kale, spinach, Swiss chard, bok choy…) you have a Vitamin C powerhouse! Not mention all that produce intermingled will aid in your body’s natural detoxification efforts!

Try this tasty recipe to assist your body in a smooth seasonal transition. Not to mention the flavor combo will tantalize your taste buds.

DETOX & Nourish Juice Blend:


1 medium beet

1 large apple

3 radishes

1 cup fresh kale or spinach leaves (raw kale can be difficult to digest for some folks)

½ of a fresh lemon (juice and a bit of zest)


Place all ingredients in the blender and process. Enjoy within 72 hours!


I hate this pose.

Those words “I hate this pose” released from the mouth of one of my students. The comment wasn’t made in jest; it spewed out with toxic force. I continued guiding the class through the power flow series as planned. I couldn’t get her words out of my head. I knew her comment wasn’t directed at me or anyone else, but it ignited a flame that encouraged me to dig deeper within myself. The student thanked me for class and was full of smiles and positive energy as we departed from the studio. Why did she “hate” the pose? Practicing alongside this student for the past few months, I was aware that her frustration didn’t stem from pain or injury.

 I was forced to turn inward and ask myself what postures I dislike in my personal practice, and therefor tend to dodge when teaching. I thought about our human tendency to shy away from what is not perfect. Not only what we avoid on the mat; but in life.

As adults, we often avoid situations and challenges if we don’t think we will succeed. The older we get, the more we seek perfection. We tend to create ideals and do everything in our power to find what we perceive as perfection. I try to remind my students in each practice, that just because we’ve moved through a posture or sequence before, we cannot have expectations. Every morning when we wake up, we don’t know what we are waking up to. Our bodies can be full of aches and pains, or, hopefully we wake up feeling vibrant and energized. Either way, it’s crucial that we find a little gratitude from within for being well enough to arrive on our mats.

No one is flawless. That’s what makes our world so imperfectly perfect. We meld together all of our strengths and weaknesses; physically, spiritually and emotionally to find strength within ourselves and within each other. 

Creative Energy Unbounded

My hometown, Breckenridge, Colorado is full of adventure, creativity and passion. The Colorado high country and majestic Rocky Mountains have long fueled artists’ inspiration, from painters such as Bierstadt and Remington to renowned photographers Jackson and Fielder. The sights, sounds and smells trigger our imagination and allows our thoughts to wander.

Now, The Town of Breckenridge has developed an outlet for our creative energy! Breck Create, located on Ridge Street in downtown Breckenridge, is the perfect place to share your artistic talents as well as learn new skills and techniques. The space is a series of small historic buildings all geared toward different mediums. From a hot shop metals workshop, a ceramics studio, printmaking, textiles and painting, there is truly something for everyone.

 This outdoor space and lawn area often become a forum for yoga and ecstatic dance as the fresh mountain air pulses through your body. Maybe it's the lack of oxygen… but something about life at nearly 10,000 feet makes people want to move and breathe in a way I've never seen before. Just like spending time by the ocean, allowing the ebb and flow of the tide to carry you, the puirty of our untainted mountain air ignites your creative energy. Feel free to let loose if you come for a visit. From personal experience, I can assure you that once you start to move, flow, wiggle.. whatever you call it, someone from our little mountain community will be quick to join.

Keep close to Nature's heart.. and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean. - John Muir

Love Grown Salmon Burgers over Arugula


1 1/4 pounds center-cut salmon fillet, skin removed

2 tablespoons Dijon mustard

1 tablespoon mayonnaise

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon grated lemon zest

Pinch of cayenne pepper

2 scallions, chopped

Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil


Cut three-quarters of the salmon into 1/4-inch pieces. Put in a large bowl. Cut the rest of the salmon into chunks; transfer the chunks to a food processor along with the mustard, mayonnaise, lemon juice, lemon zest and cayenne. Pulse to make a paste.

Add the pureed salmon mixture to the bowl with the diced salmon. Add the scallions, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and black pepper to taste. Gently mix until just combined.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and brush with olive oil. Divide the salmon mixture into 4 mounds on the parchment paper. With damp hands, pat into 4-inch-wide, 3/4-inch-thick patties. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.

Oil grill pan and heat grill to 500 degree. Cook until browned on the bottom, 3 to 4 minutes, adjusting the heat if necessary. Turn and cook until the other side is browned and the patties feel springy in the center, 3 to 4 more minutes.


Over  arugula and spiralizer veggies (beets, zucchini, yellow squash).

Top with sautéed mushrooms, red bell pepper, sweet Vidalia onion and buratta cheese (found at Whole Foods).

salmon burger.jpeg

Once in a Blue Moon Mid Summer Yoga Festival- Breckenridge, CO

Support Breckenridge local and fellow Meta Yogi, Bond Camp! Join Meta Yoga for a weekend full of yoga, music, Puja ceremonies, intuitive readings, and ecstatic dance. Events take place at the Meta Yoga Studio on Ridge Street and a variety of additional indoor and outdoor venues around town!


Peak One Summit Hike

Peak One. The name alone elevates your imagination! Peak One of our stunning Tenmile Range is located right off Main Street in Frisco, Colorado. The 12,805 foot summit is accessible via a 6.9 mile out-and-back trail offering glimpses into the past. Remnants of old miner’s cabins and numerous old mines sprinkle the landscape. It becomes easy to think about the way life was more than a hundred years ago. These old cabins were filled with families all looking for one thing — gold. What was left of this town, Masontown, was wiped out by an avalanche in 1912 and demolished by another slide in 1926. One last destruction of the area occurred when a fire in 1968 left just the rubble we see today.

I made my way down Main Street Frisco heading toward I-70. The trailhead is located .4 miles off Highway 9. Turn left on 2nd Street and follow 2nd an additional .5 miles until you reach the trailhead parking area at the end of the road. I stopped along the way for a little pre-hike fuel at the Butterhorn Bakery where I devoured the lox and bagel plate. Fresh salmon, cream cheese, capers and red onion, all stacked to perfection on a homemade bagel. I knew this would be the ticket to prepare me for the 3,686 feet of elevation gain that was quickly approaching.

After taking a careful audit of my pack and ensuring everything on my gear list was inside, I began my approach. The trail is quiet and peaceful. I try to start my longer hikes early in the day; there are fewer people and I have a better chance of missing the afternoon monsoon rainstorm.

Along the way I encountered fox, chipmunk, a variety of birds, wildflowers and a few mushrooms native to the area. Once I reached the summit I snapped photos looking up the Tenmile Range toward Breckenridge, over to Copper Mountain, and Lake Dillon. The views are astonishing. There was a sense of solitude standing on this peak. I inhaled in the pure high country air to re-energize for the descent.

I took my time coming off the peak. I carefully placed each step, avoiding slipping in the loose rock and scree on my way. The descent took me a little longer than anticipated. I passed fellow hikers on the way; we exchanged friendly smiles. We were all in the same place, seeking the same thing: quality time in the great outdoors!

Arriving back at the trailhead, I removed my pack and traded hiking shoes for flip flops. I’d acquired a thirst that needed to be quenched. I head to the Moose Jaw Saloon on Main Street. This place is a little rough around the edges but the history and outdoor patio make it a cool summer stop. The building was originally Frisco's first little school house and tends to be filled with chatty locals who are already a few beers deep. I enjoyed a cold local pint and then made my way further down Main Street for an Ahi Salad at The Boatyard. This spot also offers a large back patio, local beers and craft cocktails.

The rain clouds began to build and the temperature was dropping. I headed home feeling thankful for my time spent playing outside in the Colorado sun. Ready to relax for the remainder of my day, I pulled out the trail maps to plan my next adventure. Stay tuned!

Bali Bound 2014

The month of November 2014 was spent expanding my personal practice and spreading my love for yoga. I spent the majority of my time in Bali, Indonesia at The Shangrila Oceanside Retreat Center. This peaceful space is  located in the tiny town of Bondelam, a small fishing village on the north side of the island. The people who reside in this village are beaming with life. Welcoming me with their warm smiles and open arms. Everyone I encountered was beyond generous, always offering to share what little they had. The Balinese culture and Hindu religion run deep here. The people here are untainted by the tourism other parts of the island see. Moon rituals and daily offers to the gods became an all-encompassing part of my time there. Their gratitude was tangible.  The open-air shala created a welcome space to breath in new energy during my practice and meditation. The friends I made a the Shangrila will be life long. It's refreshing to be surrounded by so many like-minded and compassionate individuals.

Om Shanti